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Cindy Masindi

Tell us about how you contribute to the success of Carrick Wealth as an organisation. This can include your role, the team you work with, and the impact you have.   

I contribute to the organisation in many ways, firstly my 5 years experience in the financial industry helps me navigate the objections of the job easily. I am goal oriented and I enjoy learning because the macro-economic factors affecting the global economic industry change on a daily (one literally has to be on their feet all the time). Lastly I am self-motivated, I am not easily discouraged. I have an excellent team backing me up and supporting me which makes everything easier. “Team work makes the dream work”. 


What is the best part about your job?  

Changing people’s lives is the best part of my job. Creating financial sustainability is a privilege many people have not experienced, especially in many African countries. There’s a huge gap for financial literacy. This means I am part of an assignment that brings change to the world at large. My job gives me an opportunity to help change lives from one family to the another. I am an advocate for educational planning on the continent and I am a part of a bigger assignment for the world. We are what this generation has been waiting for. 


Tell us about your personal and professional growth while working at Carrick. 

Since starting at Carrick, everything about me feels brand new, from the way I think to the way I look at life. Something about working with professionals and awesome bosses opens a higher level of intelligence and takes one to a different professional realm. 


What is a typical day at work like for you? 

I start off my day with checking emails, gathering leads and connecting with people online, followed by making calls and setting up meetings with clients. 

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